Android and Apple mobile app

iPhone and Android Apps

Apps for iPhone and Android give users a fun and easy way to interact with the step challenge.

iPhone and Android challenge apps

We've seen a large number of our users moving from traditional desktop services to smart phone web browsing and App Store apps. This is why we've strived to make the system as widely available as possible. Big Team Challenge's iPhone and Android apps allow your users to participate in your private step challenge and explore a virtual route around the world.

Users can choose to connect to Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Health or Google Fit from within the app, or they can simply manually enter their distances if using another pedometer device.

To learn more about our step challenges and to view our pricing, please visit our Step Challenge page.

Mobile friendly web version

Users can log in to the challenge as normal using their phone's built-in web browser and the website will be optimised for the smaller screens, with no limit on functionality.

Apple App

Users with iPhones can download the iOS version of the app from the App Store.

Android App

Users with an Android phone can download the app from Google Play.

Mobile optimised website

Our regular web version is optimised for smaller mobile screens

Related FAQs

What is Big Team Challenge and how does it work?

Big Team Challenge is a cost-effective software-as-a-service solution which provides web and mobile apps for managing online ‘virtual’ walking and cycling challenges for workplaces and communities. 

Our Big Team Challenge software and service allows teams of users to track their accumulated distance on their mobile, tablet or computer and view their challenge progress on an interactive map. We can cater for almost any route - small or large - and have a comprehensive library of routes from around the world.

How does Fitbit syncing work?

Your Fitbit device does not sync directly with Big Team Challenge. Instead, your activity is first synced to Fitbit then sent to Big Team Challenge. The process is as follows:

  1. Your activity is tracked by your physical Fitbit device.
  2. You sync your Fitbit device to Fitbit either via your phone's bluetooth connection or by connecting your Fitbit device to your computer.
  3. Fitbit sends Big Team Challenge a notification about your new activity.
  4. Big Team Challenge processes this activity and updates your step count accordingly.

You can watch out video tutorial here:

Can I connect my Apple Watch?

Yes you can.

Please install the Big Team Challenge iPhone app first, then install the Apple Watch app. The Apple Watch app shows your step count for today. Please note: the watch will not automatically sync your steps to the challenge - you'll need to sync via the iPhone app.


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Get in touch

Sometimes it's just a little easier to have a human talk you through pricing and all the ways you can customise your own step challenge.

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