Step Count Challenge

Creating an employee wellbeing program within your organisation can help motivate your team members and begin a positive culture of self care.

A step counter challenge can be a great way to engage with your team, promote the mental health benefits of daily exercise and use some friendly competition to motivate.
iPhone and Android apps
No hidden fees
Remote workers
Virtual challenges
A smart watch, phone and laptop show the various screens of our Step Challenge software.

What is a step count challenge?

The idea is simple; you convert your daily activities such as walk, running and exercising into a comparible step count that moves you along a virtual map around the world. With Big Team Challenge's software you can choose to make your challenge as simple as that, or include other aspects such as competitive teams and leaderboards.

Government studies have shown that regular daily exercise is not only great for your body, but that it can help calm the mind and reduce stress. Our step count challenges help create a fun and motivational way for employees to begin their journey.

Three smart phones show various screens of the Step Challenge app. One shows smart syncing steps, another shows team leaderboards, and the last one shows a user profile with achievements.
For organisers

Launching your challenge

We've made our system as easy and seamless as possible, to help you get up and running quickly. Simply head over to our pricing page to get an idea of costs and to sign up for free access to your own private admin area. You'll only need to pay when you're ready to launch your exercise challenges.

You will have access to:

  • Create, edit and manage your own challenges
  • View and download participant information
  • Add, edit and delete teams
  • and much more
  • Create your free admin account
For participants

Website, apps and step count trackers!

When you launch your step counter challenge, you will have instant access to a landing page where your participants can sign up and access the challenge itself.

Participants have free access to the website and Apple and Google mobile apps.

Participants can:

  • Create or join existing teams, and invite others
  • Connect to Fitbit, Apple Health and Google Fit, Samsung health and more
  • Track steps manually if required
  • View the Leaderboard
A smart watch, phone and laptop show the various screens of our Step Challenge software.
Would you like a demonstration of the step count challenge apps and website?
get In Touchget Pricing

Sync your daily steps with our challenge app

iPhone and Apple Watch are beside other showing how the two systems can communitcate and track your steps.

Fitbit, Apple Watch, Google Fit and more

  • Free access to both the website and mobile apps
  • Connect to Fitbit, Garmin and Apple Watch
  • Sync steps with Apple Health, Google Health Connect and Samsung Health
  • Option to track steps manually if needed
iPhone logo
Android logo
Apple health logo
Google health connect logo
Fitbit Logo
Garmin logo
Samsung health logo
Google Fit Logo

Step Count Challenge Pricing

We've made our challenges as affordable as possible to help you get the most out of your users. Get in touch today for a custom quote and more information on the system.
Three teams looking at a map that they are all contributing towards

Flexible pricing means you can work to your budget

  • We have plans to suit large and small businesses
  • Discounts for larger challenge participants numbers
  • Discounts available for running multiple challenges throughout the year
  • Options to pay via invoice if purchase orders are required
  • Set a fixed budget so there's no unexpected surprises
Tell us about your step count challenge requirements and we'll tailor a solution to your needs
Get In touch
A cyclist
Want to test out our walking challenge?

You can visit our demo challenge via the web or using our Challenge App for iPhone and Android.

step challenge website address:

Password: password

Google Play appstone badgeApple App Store Badge
Intro Video

How our step count challenges work

Creating a challenge to help your workplace interact, stay healthy and improve their attitudes towards daily activity has never been easier. We've developed our service to give you the tools to combine your team building exercises and healthy working lives initiatives into one helpful bundle.

Contact us for a personalised demo and learn how we can get your employees more active.

Customer reviews

Active Essex

Active Essex

As soon as a challenge has completed, we often have individuals contact us to ask about when the next one will begin!



"The team at BTC have nailed it in terms of creating a platform that brings people together, promotes exercise and has a healthy competitive edge"



"The app's flexibility allowed us to tailor the competition to our specific needs"

£2.83 Per Participant

On average it costs our business customers £2.83 per participant (based on challenges run in 2019). And that's before they've factored in the savings it's made to health benefits, reduced employee sick cover, and productivity.

Get A Quote

Tell us about your step count challenge

Sometimes it's just a little easier to have a human talk you through pricing and all the ways you can customise your own step challenge.

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